State Multi-Event Championships

Saturday 10th February, 2013
Venue WA Athletics Stadium, Mount Claremont
Start time From 8:00am, refer to program of events
Uniform Melville Roar uniform
Nominations: MLAC nominations close 19th January 2013




All competitors wishing to nominate for this event should send an email to Reg Bourne (including their name, age-group and registration number).

Please note

  • There is an $8 entry fee for this event, payable to Melville Little Athletics Centre
  • Parents of competing athletes will be expected to help out on site for this event.

Further Information

The competition is open to the U11 to U17 age groups. Each competitor will participate in 5 events including Hurdles, 100m, 800m a throw and jump.
The events and order of events in the U15 age group must be as follows – Long Jump, 100m, Hurdles, Discus, 800m


  • Three trials will be allowed in all field events.
  • The 800m event will always be the last event contested.
  • Any competitor failing to attempt to start or make a trial in one of the events shall not be allowed to take part in the subsequent events. The competitor will not figure in any final results.
  • Any competitor deciding to withdraw from the competition will immediately inform the competition officials.
  • Scoring will be using the Multi-event point table as determined by the Board of Management from time to time.
  • Individual State Records and ABP’s will be recognised.
  • Records shall be kept for the overall individual point score.